Braxton Dunaway Runs Away With WSOP Monster Stack Title


Braxton Dunaway emerged victorious in a massive field of 8,317 participants at the 2023 World Series of Poker $1,500 no-limit hold’em ‘Monster Stack’ event. On the final day, he secured five out of six knockouts, earning himself $1,162,681 in prize money and his first gold bracelet.

Before this significant triumph, the 40-year-old Texan’s highest live tournament win was a fifth-place finish in the 2019 WSOP Circuit Choctaw $1,700 main event, where he took home $68,390. With this latest achievement, Dunaway’s lifetime cashes now total nearly $1.5 million.

The event spanned six days, consisting of two starting flights and four action-packed days. The final day commenced with seven players, led by Nicholas Gerrity.

The first player to be eliminated was Joe Cada, a four-time bracelet winner and the 2009 WSOP main event champion. Despite holding A-K, Cada fell victim to Dunaway’s A-J when a jack appeared on the river, resulting in a seventh-place finish. Cada’s earnings from this event increased his lifetime winnings to nearly $14.4 million, with over $13.7 million accumulated from WSOP cashes.

In the subsequent elimination, Dunaway’s A-K triumphed over Joshua Adcock’s inferior A-Q. Despite initial dominance, Adcock failed to improve his hand, ultimately finishing in sixth place ($240,695).

Gerrity’s journey came to an end after a preflop confrontation with Jesse Rockowitz, who held pocket deuces. Neither player improved their hand, and Gerrity exited in fifth place, earning $313,297. Soon after, Loic Dobrigna’s A-2 clashed with Dunaway’s Q-Q, resulting in Dobrigna’s elimination in fourth place with a prize of $410,493.

Approximately two hours later, three-handed play concluded as Rockowitz called an all-in bet on the turn with second pair and a gutshot straight draw. Dunaway held an open-ended straight draw and an overcard. The river card, a queen, favored Dunaway, securing him the best hand. Rockowitz finished in third place, taking home $541,376 and boosting his lifetime earnings to nearly $2.3 million.

Heads-up play began with Dunaway holding a commanding 5:2 chip lead over Colin Robinson. Dunaway wasted no time converting his advantage into victory. In the final hand, Dunaway limped in with 9♣7♥ from the button, while Robinson raised from the big blind with A♦2♠. Dunaway called, and the flop revealed 7♥3♠2♦. Robinson check-called Dunaway’s bet. The turn brought 9♥, prompting another check from Robinson and a bet from Dunaway, who held top two pair. Robinson called, and the river card, K♠, completed the board. With Robinson checking once again, Dunaway placed a bet sufficient to put Robinson all-in. After contemplating his decision, Robinson made the call with his pair of deuces but was met with disappointment as Dunaway revealed his superior hand. Robinson finished as the runner-up, earning a career-best score of $718,649 for his commendable performance.

2023 WSOP Event #39 Final Table Results

Place Player County Prize
1 Braxton Dunaway United States $1,162,681
2 Colin Robinson United States $718,649
3 Jesse Rockowitz United States $541,376
4 Loic Dobrigna France $410,493
5 Nicholas Gerrity United States $313,297
6 Joshua Adcock United States $240,695
7 Joe Cada United States $186,149