Stephen Song Wins World Poker Tour Prime Championship


The Globe Poker Trip Prime Champion $1,100 buy-in event attracted an enormous area of 5,430 entrances, greater than increasing the $2 million warranty to create a last reward swimming pool of $5,267,100. Ultimately, Stephen Song arised victorious from that sea of gamers with the title as well as the top prize of $712,650.

” Honestly, it’s just incredible,” Tune told Card Player after coming out on top. “I have actually had a desire year and also this is simply the cherry on top. Words can’t actually describe exactly how I’m really feeling. I’m just so blessed. I undoubtedly ran like a God to, you have to batter 5,400 individuals. I dunno if I’ll ever before be able to repeat a run such as this, yet it really feels actually great.”

This was the biggest rating yet for the 27-year-old Globe Series of Texas hold’em arm band winner from Greenwich, Connecticut, and also it brought his life time live event profits to more than $5.1 million. His previous leading cash advance came when he finished as the runner-up in this year’s WSOP $5,000 six-max occasion for $476,990.

As he noted, this has been a red-hot year for Track. He has actually made 51 cash money to date, with 16 final-table coatings and also 2 titles won along the road. All told, he has cashed for $2,389,405 in 2022.

This latest win saw him make 1,320 Card Player Gamer of the Year points. As a result of his outstanding run, he now beings in second place in the 2022 POY race standings offered by International Texas hold’em.

The last table was set after midnight on Dec. 13, however the last 6 really did not go back to downplay to a victor up until the televised final table on the night of Dec. 19. The activity resumed with fellow bracelet victor Lara Eisenberg as well as Track basically linked for the lead, with the former having less than two big blinds more than the last when cards got in the air.

The initial removal of the last table came on the 14h deal of the day. Giorgii Skhulukhiia limped in from the switch for 600,000 with 10Club Suit7Club Match. Eisenberg increased to 2,400,000 from the little blind with AHeart SuitADiamond Suit and Skhulukhiia made the call. The flop boiled down AClub Suit7Heart Suit2Heart Suit to provide Eisenberg leading collection. She bet 1,200,000 and also Skhulukhiia called with middle set as well as backdoor flush possibilities.

The 9Club Suit on the turn boosted Skhulukhiia to a fully-fledged flush draw. Eisenberg bet 2,400,000 as well as Skhulukhiia made the call. The 2Club Suit on the end improved both gamers, offering Eisenberg aces packed with deuces as well as a flush to Skhulukhiia. Eisenberg shoved, having Skhulukhiia covered. He made the call, only to be revealed a full house. He gained $153,000 as the sixth-place finisher.

Albert Nguyen was the next to be sent packing. He opened up with a min-raise from the switch with ASpade SuitQClub Fit. Alon Messica went along with the ADiamond Suit10Club Match. The flop came down AHeart SuitJHeart Suit5Diamond Suit providing both gamers leading pair. Messica bet 2,000,000 as the initial to act and also Nguyen called in position.

The turn brought the 10Spade Match make aces up for Messica He examined and also Nguyen examined behind. The river brought the instance ace, the AClub Match, giving Messia aces complete while Nguyen grabbed journeys. Messica inspected and also Nguyen discharged 4,500,000. Messica check-raised all-in and also Nguyen called to put his tournament life on the line. Messica revealed his full house and also Nguyen shook his opponents’ hands before heading to the rail. He made $200,000 for his fifth-place proving in this occasion.

A wild hand dropped during four-handed action. Track limped in from the small blind with QSpade Suit8Club Match and Messica inspected his option in the large blind with QHeart Suit9Spade Suit. The action was examined down on the flop as well as turn. The last board read ASpade Suit4Heart Suit2Club Suit7Club Suit6Diamond Fit. Song examined and also Messica wagers 2,000,000 with his queen-nine high. Track made a check-raise bluff with queen-eight high. Messica entered into the container, however he was not just posturing. Eventually taking into consideration the circumstance, he made the gero phone call with the slightly better queen high to win the healthy and balanced pot and relocate into the chip lead. Tune moved towards the bottom of the leaderboard after the hand.

Messica used his big stack to attempt to tax Young Eum, running a multi-street bluff that put Eum to the test for his whole pile. He found the proper call with second set and discolored Messica’s 2 overcards to double up.

Eisenberg won a large pot off of Messica with a rivered two set besting his rivered top pair, top kicker. Her pile then took a big hit when her trip kings encountered the kings filled with tens held by Eum Keeping that, Eum doubled up and also overtook the lead.

Messica had the hero-call tables activated him by Song, who called a ten-high bluff on the river with his jack-high, although in a somewhat smaller pot. Messica’s run soon fittingly concerned an end through a hero phone call. Messica limped in from the small blind for 1,200,000 with KDiamond Suit6Diamond Fit as well as Eum raised to 4,000,000 out of the big blind with AClub Suit6Spade Suit. The flop boiled down ADiamond SuitJClub Suit4Diamond Suit to give Messica the nut flush draw. He checked as well as Eum wager 2,200,000 with his leading pair. Messica called and also the 2Heart Fit hit the turn. Messica check-called once more, this time to the tune of 6,200,000. The 4Heart Suit matched the board on completion and also messica inspected. Eum moved all-in and after a long time in the storage tank, Messica called all-in for 12,600,000 with his king high. Eum revealed his winning aces as well as fours to send out Messica home in fourth place ($ 265,000).

Three-handed play saw the remaining competitors obtain associated with a number of all-in pots, many of which engaged timeless preflop races like a pocket pair against two overs. Each time, the shorter pile won, until just such a coinflip saw Eum’s AHeart SuitQSpade Fit stop working to enhance versus the JHeart SuitJClub Match of Eisenberg.

Eum earned $354,000 as the third-place finisher. This was his third podium surface in a huge-field tournament around this cost factor this year. He ended up second out of 2,663 entries in a $1,000 no-limit hold ’em freezeout at the WSOP for $203,949 in June. Approximately three weeks later on he won his very first bracelet by covering an area of 5,832 entries in the $1,000 mini centerpiece to gain $594,189. Eum was awarded 880 POY factors for this deep run. With 3,240 overall factors as well as greater than $1.1 million in POY revenues, he currently rests inside the top 50 in the POY rankings.

Heads-up play began with Eisenberg holding nearly a 3:1 lead, with 119,600,000 to Tune’s 43,800,000. Track closed the void considerably when he made quad jacks versus the jacks full of fives of Eisenberg as well as had the ability to draw out a substantial worth bet on the river. He quickly pulled ahead thanks to tumbling jacks up versus the top pair of jacks for Eisenberg.

In the last hand, Eisenberg hopped in for 2,000,000 with QDiamond Suit8Spade Match and Tune checked with 6Spade Suit4Diamond Suit. The QSpade Suit8Heart Suit5Spade Suit flop saw Song check. Eisenberg bet 2,000,000 with her leading two set and also Tune called his gutshot straight draw. The 7Heart Fit on the turn finished Song’s draw, offering him an eight-high straight. Track examined once again and also Eisenberg wager 8,000,000. Tune check-raised to 22,000,000. Eisenberg considered her choices before moving all-in for 53,600,000. Track snap-called as well as required to fade a queen or 8 on the river to secure the title.

The 2Spade Suit completed the board, lockup up the victory for Track. Eisenberg gained $481,500 as the runner-up finisher, the biggest money yet for the 2021 WSOP ladies occasion champ. The Radiologist from Silver Springs, Maryland currently has virtually $760,000 in lifetime tournament profits.

Here is a look at the payouts and POY points awarded at the final table:

Place Player Earnings POY Points
1 Stephen Song $712,650 1320
2 Lara Eisenberg $481,500 1100
3 Young Eum $354,000 880
4 Alon Messica $265,000 660
5 Albert Nguyen $200,000 550
6 Giorgii Skhulukhiia $153,000 440
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