Michael Hudson Wins 2019 WSOP Circuit Potawatomi Main Event


The 2019 World Collection of Poker Circuit Potawatomi $1,700 no-limit hold ’em main event brought in a field of 667 overall entrances, developing a last prize swimming pool of $1,010,505. After 3 days of activity, Michael Hudson emerged triumphant with the title, the $207,159 leading prize, and also his initial WSOPC gold ring.

The 32-year-old online poker pro from Illinois was likewise awarded 840 Card Gamer Player of the Year points, sufficient to see him move right into 46th area in the total POY race standings.

Hudson came into the last day of this event as the chip leader with 9 players remaining. He had risen right into the lead late on day 2 of the occasion after winning a large hand against 2007 World Texas Hold’em Excursion Bellagio Mug champion Kevin Saul. With plenty of contribute the pot and a board of 7Diamond Suit5Spade Suit5Heart Suit8Diamond SuitJSpade Fit, the river action started with a check from Hudson. Saul bets 590,000. Damjan Radanov folded and also Hudson check-raised to 1,825,000. Saul called with the 7Spade Suit7Club Suit for a tumbled full house, only to obtain revealed Hudson’s 8Heart Suit8Club Match for a greater boat made on the turn.

With that said, Hudson took a dominant advantage right into day 3, with 157 large blinds in his pile. The next largest stack, coming from Hank Sitton, was simply 57 huge blinds. He advanced his benefit by scoring the initial two eliminations of the final table, sending out Eric Wasylenko (9th– $19,38) and also Cody Brinn (8th– $24,414) to the rail and expanding his pile to over 200 huge blinds.

Kevin Saul had actually still handled to make the final table after shedding the ill hand with his flopped capacity. Saul hung around to six-handed activity, and then won a preflop race with pocket tens up versus the ASpade SuitKClub Fit of Damjan Radanov to send him packing in sixth location ($ 40,248).

Hudson earned his 3rd knockout of the final table when his ADiamond Suit10Club Match took care of to defeat the ASpade SuitJSpade Suit of Brett Apter, making a pair of tens to secure the pot. Apter took home $52,698 as the fifth-place finisher.
Saul was ultimately removed in 4th area when his pocket jacks lost a coin turn to Joshua Turner’s AHeart SuitQDiamond Fit. Saul was granted $69,917 for his deep run in this occasion, bringing his job live tournament incomes to more than $3.6 million.

Hank Sitton was knocked senseless in third area when his pocket aces were cracked by a flopped full house for Hudson. Sitton had elevated from the small blind as well as Hudson protected his big blind with JHeart Suit5Spade Suit. The flop boiled down JSpade SuitJClub Suit5Heart Suit. The chips all entered after the 5Club Match hit the turn, and also Sitton was to requiring an ace on the river to make it through. The 10Heart Match protected the pot for Hudson. Sitton took home $94,017 as the third-place finisher.

Hudson had greater than a 5-to-1 chip lead over Turner when heads-up action began. Turner, that has 7 WSOPC gold rings to his name, managed to combat all the way back right into the lead. Hudson was able toe gain back the momentum relatively promptly, though, as well as by the time the last hand developed he once again held a substantial lead.

The last hand of the tournament started with Turner limping in from the switch with the QHeart Suit6Heart Match. Hudson checked with his JHeart Suit5Spade Fit, the exact same hand he had actually gotten rid of Sitton with. The flop boiled down 5Heart Suit4Spade Suit2Heart Match and Hudson checked. Turner wagered 250,000 and Hudson relocated all-in. Turner called for his last 3.6 million or two with his straight and flush draws. The turn was the 10Diamond Suit to keep Hudson’s pair of fives the best hand. The 2Club Fit secured the offer, locking up the title for Hudson and sending Turner to the rail as the runner-up. He made $128,183 for his excellent proving in this event.

Here is a look at the payouts and POY points awarded at the final table:

Place Player Earnings (USD) POY Points
1 Michael Hudson $207,159 840
2 Joshua Turner $128,183 700
3 Hank Sitton $94,017 560
4 Kevin Saul $69,917 420
5 Brett Apter $52,698 350
6 Damjan Radanov $40,248 280
7 Nathan Braungardt $31,144 210
8 Cody Brinn $24,414 140
9 Eric Wasylenko $19,381 70