Dylan Linde Wins WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic Main Event


The 2018 World Poker Tour Five Diamond Globe Texas Hold’em Classic $10,400 no-limit hold ’em primary occasion attracted 1,001 entries, setting the record as the largest ever field in a $10,000 buy-in event on the WPT. After five full days of extreme casino poker action, the lion’s share of that cash was granted to Dylan Linde.

Linde entered the final day of this occasion in 2nd chip setting with six players remaining, sitting behind just Serbia’s Milos Skrbic. With a flop of 8Spade Suit6Diamond Suit5Spade Fit Barry Hutter got all-in holding the AClub Suit8Diamond Suit.

Hamilton pushed for 2.5 million from the big blind with 5Heart Suit5Diamond Fit and Linde called holding the ADiamond Suit10Diamond Match. The 10Heart Suit7Spade Suit3Diamond Suit10Spade Suit3Spade Suit runout provided Linde a complete home to win the hand.

With that Linde took the chip lead. He soon furthered his benefit by knocking senseless Ping Liu in 4th location. Linde pushed with the JClub Suit2Club Match when it folded to him in the little blind and also Liu called for his last 16.5 large blinds with the ADiamond Suit4Heart Suit. Linde ended up combining his deuce on the flop as well as holding from there to protect his 2nd bustout of the day. Liu earned $599,147 for his deep run.

Linde seemed running away with the last table, but Milos Skrbic closed the void a little bit by winning the next essential hand. The last 3 saw a flop of KClub Suit7Spade Suit3Club Fit. Skrbic and also Andrew Lichtenberger both checked. Linde bet 275,000, only to have Skrbic check-raise to 925,000. Lichtenberger relocated done in for 3,575,000. Linde folded as well as Skrbic called with the 10Club Suit6Club Fit for a flush draw. Lichtenberger had the KDiamond Suit5Heart Fit for top pair. The 8Club Fit turn finished Skrbic’s flush draw right away and also the 4Diamond Fit sent out Lichtenberger to the imprison 3rd location ($802,973).

With that Skrbic took 17,675,000 right into heads-up play against Linde, who sat with 22,375,000. Linde swiftly called with the JSpade SuitJHeart Suit. The board ran out KHeart Suit9Heart Suit9Club Suit9Spade SuitAClub Suit and Linde’s premium full residence gained him the pot and the title.

WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic Main Event Results

Position Player Prize
1 Dylan Linde $1,631,468
2 Milos Skrbic $1,087,603
3 Andrew Lichtenberger $802,973
4 Ping Liu $599,147
5 Lisa Hamilton $451,880
6 Barry Hutter $344,529