Cary Katz Wins Super High Roller Bowl London


Poker Central owner Cary Katz wins the first ever ₤ 250,000 Super High Roller Bowl London survive the poker app he has, PokerGo. The former College Loan Corporation founder beat the young Ali Imsirovic heads-up for the title of this 12-player tourney, winning ₤ 2.1 million in the process.

Imsirovic, the just various other gamer to cash in the high-stakes gambler occasion, gained ₤ 900,000 for his initiatives. That brings his career completes to $7.2 million in US bucks. Katz, on the other hand, currently has over $24 million in money. Okay for an intended “entertainment” gamer.

With the verdict of the Super High Roller Bowl London, that places a cover on the inaugural 11-tournament British Poker Open at the Aspers Casino.

Humble Katz Wins Super High Roller Bowl London

Cary Katz is a super high roller champion after beating 12 of the best players in the world. That’s quite an accomplishment. But you won’t hear him boasting after his impressive performance. Instead, he gave credit to his opponents and admitted luck was on his side.

“This is my biggest score and I was just remarkably lucky,” he told Poker Central. “I got lucky on the hands that mattered after what seemed to just become a slow demise. I’m not in their league and I would just like to take my hat off to Stevie (Chidwick), Christoph (Vogelsang), and Ali. I think they all played so much better than I did and I think they were all more deserving. I just got very lucky.”

Vogelsang, the 2017 Super High Roller Bowl champion in Las Vegas, broken on the bubble after shedding a race to Imsirovic. Chidwick headed out just before him in 4th place after losing to Katz’ runner-runner right.

That left the well-off businessman as well as the young Imsirovic to fight it out heads-up for the Super High Roller Bowl London title. Imsirovic held the lead when heads-up play started. However Katz grabbed a quick chip lead thanks to hitting a number of hands and then pulling off a remarkable semi-bluff with the nut flush make use of the turn.

On the final hand, Katz called an all-in pre-flop with a suited Q-3 against pocket 10’s. He hit a flush on the river to take down the hand and the tournament. And with that, the inaugural Super High Roller Bowl London and British Poker Open series officially came to an end.