Isaac Baron Wins Event #1: $10,000 NL Hold’em 2019 Poker Masters


The 2019 Poker Masters kicked off this week and also the initial event is in guides. Winning Occasion # 1: $10,000 No Limit Hold ’em was Isaac Baron. Baron topped the area of 97 entrances to take home $223,100.

To win the title, Baron covered a final table that included Jeremy Ausmus, Sam Soverel, and also Scott Blumstein, and also he defeated Opportunity Kornuth in heads-up play. Kornuth gained $164,900 for his runner-up finish.

2019 Poker Master Event #1: $10,000 NLHE Final Table Results

Place Player Country Prize
1 Isaac Baron United States $223,100
2 Chance Kornuth United States $164,900
3 Ralph Wong United States $116,400
4 Jeremy Ausmus United States $97,000
5 Sam Soverel United States $77,600
6 Scott Blumstein United States $58,200
7 Dan Shak United States $48,500
8 Thai Ha Vietnam $38,800

Baron entered the final table of eight with the chip lead and it was Pennsylvania poker pro Thai Ha to bust first in eighth place. Ha went out at the hands of Ausmus when his Ah9h lost to Ausmus’ 8s7s in all-in preflop action.

Dan Shak was next to bust, and it was Baron who sent him packing. Ausmus had opened to 120,000 holding the AsTc with the blinds at 30,000-60,000 with a 60,000 big blind ante, and Baron reraised to 330,000 with pocket fives. Shak, who was on a severe short stack, then called all in for 75,000 with the KhJd. Ausmus folded, and it was off to the races for Baron and Shak. No help came for Shak and he was out in seventh place.

Although Soverel busted Blumstein in sixth place, he was the next one to bust, and it was once again Baron doing the deed. Baron’s AsAc held up against Soverel’s 8d8c and Soverel was out fifth.

After Ausmus was knocked out in fourth and Ralph Wong in third, both at the hands of Baron, it was time for the heads-up match between Baron and Kornuth. Entering the duel, Baron had 8.415 million in chips to Kornuth’s 1.29 million.

The two wasted no time getting the money in, as Baron shoved with the 5c3c against Kornuth and his stack of 10 big blinds. Kornuth looked at the Ah9h and made the call. Unfortunately for Kornuth, the board ran out Th3d2dQdKc to give Baron the victory.

With the win, Baron took the early lead in the race for the overall Poker Masters title with 300 points. The player to earn the most points over the course of the series will be crowned Poker Masters champion and receive a $100,000 bonus plus the trophy purple jacket.