Have You Registered for the No Limit Hold’em Poker Event at SocialPoker Yet?


Hey Poker grinder Listen up! We have a secret to tell you that not many poker players know about.

SocialPoker, which has been servicing its potential customers since 2010, has one of the best ways for you to win big in all of online poker. While you can battle it out with sharks on all other poker networks, over at SocialPoker you can instead play against softer fields for a lot of money! Each and every week, SocialPoker hosts low stakes and high stakes poker event! If you like playing Texas hold’em poker and love the idea of having a great chance of winning money, read on to learn more.

Texas Hold’em Poker Event:

Every day you can win in poker events on SocialPoker. If you love playing live poker, head to the SocialPoker and get involved in the low stakes and high stakes poker event. The $1/2 low stakes buy-in minimum $80 and maximum $500 and the $2/5 high stakes buy-in min $300 max 2K.

Claim Your Free $25 Bonus Now!

If you aren’t already playing at SocialPoker, you should think about doing so right now. Customers who are new to SocialPoker can grab themselves a massive welcome bonus. First, everyone who is playing at socialpoker receives early bird bonus (10% from their buy-in). Then, if you are new and never played at socialpoker and send text code “SPBLOG,” with full name, email, occupation and age socialpoker will give you a welcome bonus $25 after you light verification.

How to get a Seat?

If you are playing anywhere else you are wasting your time! Register now and join NYC’s best poker room! Text “SPBlog” to 347-471-1813 with full name, email & occupation to get the location and reserve a seat at a game.