Bradley Hinson Wins 2020 WSOP Circuit Rio Las Vegas Main Event


Bradley Hinson wins the World Series of Poker Circuit Rio $1,700 Main Event Tuesday night at the Rio Las Vegas WSOP Circuit, earning $209,216 and his first WSOP ring. Hinson, from North Carolina, has previously cashed in 7 WSOP events for a total of $64,135, and until now has never been able to come close to a final table.

I have always wanted to win one. I just don’t usually play that many tournaments. Fifteen years ago when I started playing, I always considered it a bucket list thing for me to win,” said Hinson after securing the title and the ring. “I am from the middle of nowhere North Carolina, I want to thank my family, my friends and God. My family has always been super supportive. I feel like most people where I am from wouldn’t have that level of support for playing poker, so it means a lot to me. My parents are awake right now on the east coast waiting for me to tell them how I did.

The final day of this event began with 17 players remaining. It took a little over five hours to narrow the area to an official last table of nine, with a number of notables striking the rail along the way including two-time WSOP bracelet victor and also three-time World Texas hold’em Tour main event champion Anthony Zinno (14th– $12,863), three-time ring winner Peter Vitantonio (11th– $15,872) and 2013 WPT Legends of Poker victor Jordan Cristos (10th– $15,872).

Hinson began the day in second chip lead and remained in that spot by the time the final table was set. The field was quickly narrowed down to six, with Joseph Marchal (9th – $19,819), Mark Ioli (8th – $25,039) and WSOP Circuit Horseshoe Baltimore champion Faisal Siddiqui (7th – $32,003) all hitting the rail within the first 75 minutes of final-table action.

Louise Francoeur was the next to be eliminated. She ran AClub SuitQClub Suit into the ASpade SuitKSpade Suit of James Duke to finish in sixth place, earning $41,375 for her deep run.

Adam Hendrix began the final day as the chip leader, but he fell to the bottom of the leaderboard during five-handed play. He ultimately got his last chips in with QClub Suit4Club Suit and found himself in rough shape against the QSpade SuitJHeart Suit of Michael Stein. Hendrix managed to pair his four on the turn to take the lead, but Stein rivered a superior pair of jacks to secure the pot and the knockout. Hendrix took home $54,101 as the fifth-place finisher.

Stein was also responsible for the next knockout. He picked up pocket tens against the ADiamond SuitKDiamond Suit of James Duke and won the race, making a full house by the river to eliminate Duke in fourth place ($71,540).

Despite securing the previous two eliminations, Stein was ultimately the player to hit the rail in third place. He three-bet a button raise from Hinson and called a shove from the small blind with KSpade Suit5Diamond Suit, only to find himself up against the 5Spade Suit5Heart Suit. The board came down 9Spade Suit5Club Suit3Heart Suit3Club Suit2Diamond Suit and Hinson made a full house to send Stein to the rail with $95,654.

With that Hinson took roughly a 2:1 chip lead into heads-up play against three-time WSOPC ring winner Trung Pham. In the final hand, Hinson picked up AClub SuitJSpade Suit on the button and raised. Pham shoved all-in with ASpade Suit8Club Suit. The AHeart SuitQHeart Suit4Spade Suit5Diamond Suit7Heart Suit runout locked up the pot and the title for Hinson. Pham earned $129,305 as the runner-up, the second largest payday of his career. He now has more than $1.1 million in lifetime live earnings.

WSOPC Rio Main Event Final Table Results

Place Player Prize Money
1 Bradley Hinson $209,216
2 Trung Pham $129,305
3 Michael Stein $95,654
4 James Duke $71,540
5 Adam Hendrix $54,101
6 Louise Francoeur $41,375
7 Faisal Siddiqui $32,003
8 Mark Ioli $25,039
9 Joseph Marchal $19,819
10 Jordan Cristos $15,872